Recognized for their high effectiveness, monthly promotions are an excellent way to boost sales and achieve your marketing objectives. But be careful: your promotions do not always have to be based on a price reduction. You must keep your value in the eyes of consumers. Otherwise, they will only wait for discounts and it is your image that may suffer! Here are 25 smart monthly promotion ideas to engage your customers and increase your sales!
Offer a gift
The idea is to reward your customers for purchasing your products or services by giving them a value-added gift. This gift can be a sample of a new product or a promotional item bearing your company’s logo, for example. Think about what would be both useful and appreciated by your customers.
Create a new custom product or service
The appeal of novelty is always in demand! In addition, the design of a new product or service can become a powerful sales tool. Listen to your customers and guess what they would like to find as a product or service to complement your current offer (an express service, a group workshop, a new line of beauty products, etc.).
Offer payment facilities or monthly packages
Some of your products or services may, at first glance, appear expensive or inaccessible to your customers. Here’s an idea to explore to remedy this: offer exclusive packages or flexible payment terms to encourage action. The price remains the same, it’s all about how you present it to the customer!
Use cross-selling
Your customers are competing for one of your products or services, but this is not necessarily the most profitable for your company? It doesn’t matter! Use the power of cross-selling as an idea for your monthly promotions. When purchasing product or service A, offer them a discount on the cost of product or service B.
Give something free in return
Who said that a gift must necessarily cost you money? You can certainly offer your customers something free to thank them for their purchase: free delivery with the purchase of a certain amount of money, an extended warranty for a few days or a free session. The objective is to give something free for you, but that has value for your customers.
Make an upgrade offer
Take your customers to the next level! Show them the concrete benefits of upgrading your software again, for example. Or, suggest that they improve their current package for a more optimal one. Just let them know all the benefits they can get from your upscale offer. Automated marketing or automation can help you plan a sequence of emails based on your target audience’s buying cycle. It’s all about planning your communication actions!

Offer attractive packages or packages
Turnkey packages or packages are a bit like gift baskets in a shop: they are attractive and we like to buy them if they are well presented. The goal is to design packages by combining several of your related products or services. With an attractive branding and overall price, your packages will sell like hot cakes!
Focus on the value of your offer
You are certainly not the only company offering its products or services in your industry. But you necessarily have an advantage that your competitors do not have. Highlight the value of your offer (e.g. fast delivery within 24 hours, guaranteed satisfaction or money back, turnkey services from A to Z, etc.). In short, how does your proposal differ from that of the competition?
Reward loyalty
Another idea for your monthly promotions: use loyalty cards or, at least, the idea of this concept. Consider giving a discount or something free after a few visits or set up a reward system with redeemable points in your store. You encourage the customer to make several purchases from you in addition to giving him a loyalty gift that he should use in your company. Everything is done under one roof, which is very beneficial for your sales!
Organize a competition
To stimulate sales, consider setting up a contest among your customers. Buying a certain amount of money can give you one or more chances to win a great prize that makes your customers dream. You can even keep the suspense going by drawing one finalist per week until the day is out. Be creative!
Give a gift card with purchase
Sales are at their lowest level at this time of year? Give your customers a good reason to take action by automatically giving them a gift card that can be redeemed at your store with any purchase for a predetermined period. Everyone wins: you and your customers too, since they will have to come back home to use their gift card!