The paradigm shift of employees
In the past, anniversaries over several years of service were interpreted as an obviously reliable expression of a high level of satisfaction and loyalty to the employer. The employees had identified themselves with the employer’s values and had put individualism back in favour of joint (company) success. The communication was strongly formal and rather monologue: the company speaks.
At present, it is no longer the company that is the focus, but the employee. His demand for a meaningful activity. Self-realization, a good work-life balance and the opportunity to work independently and responsibly on challenges are at the centre of the employee.
Loyalty to the employer is increasingly diminishing, the company is of secondary importance, personal development and fulfillment are the focus. Communication becomes personal, authentic and transparent. Everyone tells his or her story about themselves, their abilities and their values: a dialogue develops.

Individuality demands a personal brand
We carry a personal picture of our contacts within us. Whereas in the past the image had to be repositioned in the real world and refreshed through meetings/social and networking events, today networking is shifting to the various digital social networks.
In order to be found and perceived as an individual in this mass, one’s own strong brand, i.e. a strong personal branding, is decisive. A personal branding is not a CV (!), but draws your individual, authentic picture, which may also show corners and edges (or weaknesses).
Why is personal branding relevant?
With your personal brand you show the many aspects of your person and expose yourself as an individual.
In every relationship as a person, customer or company, your profile will be googled to learn more about you, your environment BEFORE the first direct contact is made. This includes:
- Detailed knowledge about people
- Skills and recommendations
- Knowledge of companies
- Create access to people
- Connecting in Real-Life and Digital Platforms narrowness
What distinguishes a strong personal branding?
As already mentioned, personal branding is not the same as a CV. In Switzerland, a classic CV is often an emotionless reflection of the past and a list of the stations on the career path. Personal Branding leaves this path and takes up personal aspects, points out solutions and possibilities.
The Business Canvas model also supports this level in clarifying the questions and focusing on the necessary content.
The power of personal branding!
5x more reach than the profile of a company
8x more engagement/relevance generated than the profile of a company
3.6x more credibility is given than the profile of a company
In total 144 good reasons to consider personal branding as relevant and important.
What dangers lurk?
The net forgets and forgives nothing. Once mistakes have been made in personal branding, they are difficult to correct and, as in real life, mistakes are hardly forgotten. Make your personal branding positive and avoid classic mistakes in all types of communication. Therefore:
- Be honest: tell nothing but the truth! Every lie is found on the net!
- Be friendly and courteous! Wrong choice of words destroys every confidence!
- Be authentic! Nothing attracts more negative attention than when you impersonate something that you are not!
- Be quiet! Do not always take yourself too seriously and listen to others!others, attract other talents!
- Be reliable! Do not change your values or your attitude every day!
3 pillars of the personal brand plan
Tell the story.
Find in the story a balanced mixture between the ingredients “in what am I good”, “what is relevant for my target group” and “how do I earn my money”.
User Engagement (Who, when)
YOU! You are the commitment! Expose yourself, post in meaningful (1x monthly is not enough) intervals stories, show commitment and effect in active dialogues.
Channels (Where)
Each target group can be reached via different platforms. However, not all similar platforms are equally relevant. Thus Xing is primarily relevant in the SME segment in the German-speaking area, but far behind LinkedIn in the number of users in the English-speaking area.
In the meantime, LinkedIn has overtaken Xing in terms of user numbers in Switzerland. The focus on the channels is clearly oriented towards the target group to be addressed and/or the content. The channels include Xing, LinkedIn, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Blogs, Q&A Sites, Forums,….